
Sherwin Rio


1970s 1980s 2020s


The Tower Performance Ghost

SFAI’s iconic tower, reaching seven stories high into San Francisco’s North Beach skyline, has long been a point of interest for artist interventions. Kaisik Wong tossed a length of fabric from the tower at dawn to signal the beginning of the 1976 exhibition Other Sources: An American Essay. Siblings Laurie and Thor Anderson have both used the tower in their artworks. Historian Jeff Gunderson says that you can still see a green streak down one side of the tower where students hung a flag to protest a visit from the Queen of England. Still active is Postcommodity’s The Point of Final Collapse, which uses military-grade sonic weapons to emit an ASMR composition reflective of the sinking Millennium Tower high-rise. And most recently, the tower has become a place to project curated video screenings.



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